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Get a More Defined Jawline With This Exercise Tool, Now an Extra 20% Off This Black Friday

Get a More Defined Jawline With This Exercise Tool, Now an Extra 20% Off This Black Friday

via StackCommerce

It goes without saying that if you want to improve a certain part of your body, you have to work for it. Want bulging biceps and triceps? Prepare to perform tons of tricep and curl exercises. Want 6-pack abs? You have to execute innumerable crunches and planks. Want stronger legs? Lunges and squats are the way to go. If you want a chiseled, more defined jawline, though, you might think that achieving it requires some cosmetic work.

But all you really need is to perform some jaw exercises, and you can easily do those with the help of Jawzrsize. A Kickstarter and Indiegogo hit, Jawzrsize is a non-invasive facelift exercise product designed to help you achieve a perfectly chiseled jawline. And for Black Friday, you can get it on sale for an extra 20 percent off with the code BFSAVE20.

You work out your body to get ripped, so it only makes sense that you also put the muscles in your face and neck to work for a more defined jawline. Jawzrsize is an exercise product that works to help you get a slimmer face, reduce the double chin effect, or tone, firm, and strengthen the whole facial to the neck area. It comes with three resistance levels, ranging from beginner to advanced, allowing you to strengthen and sculpt your jawline in phases. It also features an Elite custom fit to ensure a secure and comfortable fit.

Check out how it works:

Every time you use the device, you’re essentially activating over 57 of your facial muscles, resulting in a more thorough workout. You only need to use it for roughly 20 minutes a day to start seeing results. Plus, as you build primal muscles, you may also notice other benefits such as enhanced digestion, increased metabolism, reduction of teeth grinding, and more.

Jawzrsize typically retails for $149, but with the code BFSAVE20, you can snag it on sale for only $36.79.


Jawzrsize® Facial Fitness: Total Transformation Kit – $45.99

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Prices subject to change.

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Pezou : Get a More Defined Jawline With This Exercise Tool, Now an Extra 20% Off This Black Friday