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China in Focus (June 26): Unusual Weather Phenomena Plague China

  • Asia

No Masks, Social Distancing Required for Iowa Schools Reopening

Students returning to school this fall in Iowa will be met with the normalcy they knew before the pandemic, as new state guidelines for reopening K-12 schools have no requirements for physical distancing, face coverings, or health screenings at the entrance. Released by the Iowa Department of Education on Thursday, the guidance (pdf) says students and teachers who wish to wear protective masks are free to do so, but mandatory face coverings for all is not recommended. It also encourages schools to teach students not to bully others based on their choice to wear or not wear a mask. “Teach and reinforce the prevention of stigma associated with the use or non-use of facial coverings to support a respectful, inclusive, and supportive school environment,” the guidance reads, referencing an earlier…

Unusual natural phenomena seem to be appearing more and more in China. A gigantic tornado hit Inner Mongolia in northern China. Some netizens on social media likened the storm to a scene from a science fiction film.

In a practice beginning last year, Chinese authorities demolished farmers’ homes to create more profitable projects. We hear from one such farmer who forcefully lost her home.

The FBI says investigations with CCP ties are way up since a decade ago. Over 2,000 cases are currently being investigated.

And the United States and the European Union are in talks regarding the Chinese regime’s threat to the West. Mike Pompeo points out it’s an issue between the CCP and the world.

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Focus News: China in Focus (June 26): Unusual Weather Phenomena Plague China

Democrats Block a Resolution to Oppose Defunding the Police, as Cities Face Increased Violence

House Democrats Thursday night blocked Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fla.) resolution which opposes defunding police departments, particularly at a time when American cities are facing increased crime, rioting, looting, and vandalism. After the Democrats’ George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020 passed the House, along party lines, Steube urged the House members to consider his resolution that calls for peace, legal action against violent protests, and opposes vilifying police. “Everyone in this chamber wants justice for George Floyd and his family. And they will get that, in a court of law, where justice belongs,” Steube said. The Florida Congressman and other House Republicans called on their Democratic colleagues to condemn the violence against persons, property, and law enforcement and said that the just-passed police reform bill would not solve the problem of violence…